
Quartz Composer / GLSL Shader / BokehなFragment Shaderを生成するコード

  • THE ART-LOG OF MARTINS UPITIS: a GLSL depth of field filter with bokeh
  • GLSL depth of field with bokeh v2.4 (update)

  • コード

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    double *cross(double *p, double *q) {
    double *r;
    r= (double *)malloc(3*sizeof(double));
    r[0]= p[1]*q[2]-p[2]*q[1];
    r[2]= p[0]*q[1]-p[1]*q[0];
    return r;
    double *sub(double *p, double *q) {
    double *r;
    r= (double *)malloc(3*sizeof(double));
    r[0]= p[0]-q[0];
    r[1]= p[1]-q[1];
    r[2]= p[2]-q[2];
    return r;
    int isinCircle(double *q) {
    return (q[0]*q[0]+q[1]*q[1]<0.25)?1:0;
    int isin6(double *q)
    double p[6][3]= {
    { 0.0, 0.50, 0.},
    { 0.5, 0.25, 0.},
    { 0.5,-0.25, 0.},
    { 0.0,-0.50, 0.},
    {-0.5,-0.25, 0.},
    {-0.5, 0.25, 0.}};
    double *r;
    int i, c= 0;

    for(i= 0; i<5; i++) {
    r= cross(sub(p[i], q), sub(p[i+1], q));
    c+= r[2]<0?0:1;
    r= cross(sub(p[5], q), sub(p[0], q));
    c+= r[2]<0?0:1;

    return (c==0)?1:0;
    int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

    double q[3]= {0., 0., 0.};
    int j,k,c= 0;
    int r= 5;

    printf("uniform sampler2D RenderedTexture;\nuniform sampler2D DepthTexture;\n");
    printf("const float blurclamp = 1.;\nconst float bias = 10.;\nuniform float focus;\n");
    printf("uniform float pixelsWide;\nuniform float pixelsHigh;\n");
    printf("vec2 texcel = vec2(1./pixelsWide, 1./pixelsHigh);\n");
    printf("void main()\n{\n");
    printf("\tvec4 depth = texture2D(DepthTexture,gl_TexCoord[0].xy );\n");
    printf("\tfloat factor = ( depth.x - focus );\n");
    printf("\tvec2 dofblur = vec2 (clamp( factor * bias, -blurclamp, blurclamp ));\n");
    printf("\tvec4 col = vec4(0.0);\n");

    for(k= -r; k<r; k++) {
    for(j= -r; j<r; j++) {
    q[0]= k/(r*2.);
    q[1]= j/(r*2.);
    if (isin6(q)==1) {
    if (0) {
    printf("\tcol += texture2D(RenderedTexture, gl_TexCoord[0].xy + (vec2(");
    printf("%2d., %2d.", k, j);
    printf(")*texcel) * dofblur);\n");
    else {
    printf("\tcol.r += texture2D(RenderedTexture, gl_TexCoord[0].xy + (vec2(");
    printf("%2d., %2d.", k, j);
    printf(")*texcel) * dofblur*vec2( .000, .50)).r;\n");
    printf("\tcol.g += texture2D(RenderedTexture, gl_TexCoord[0].xy + (vec2(");
    printf("%2d., %2d.", k, j);
    printf(")*texcel) * dofblur*vec2( .866,-.25)).g;\n");
    printf("\tcol.b += texture2D(RenderedTexture, gl_TexCoord[0].xy + (vec2(");
    printf("%2d., %2d.", k, j);
    printf(")*texcel) * dofblur*vec2(-.866,-.25)).b;\n");

    printf("\tgl_FragColor = col/%d.;\n\tgl_FragColor.a = 1.0;\n}\n", c);
    return 0;


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