
English homework

A magnifying glass displays a zoomed image. It is used for observation of plants, stones and insects. This tool provides a new world for kids. By the way, today a lot of people have cell phones. They use it to call, to send e-mail, and to browse on the Web. Recently, cell phones can give directions for walkers using a GPS system and electronic compass. Also, cell phones have a lens like magnifying glass.


Last month, two college students announced a new navigation concept. The name is "Enkin". Enkin links between virtual map and real view.

"Enkin" introduces a new handheld navigation concept. It displays location-based content in a unique way that bridges the gap between reality and classic map-like representations. It combines GPS, orientation sensors, 3D graphics, live video, several web services and a novel user interface into an intuitive and light navigation system for mobile devices.


Last season, a very similar device was used in a Japanese animation. The animation title is "DENOU COIL". In the animation, every kid uses special glasses, which are called ‘DENNOU MEGANE’ ('cyber glasses' in English). They use the tool to find new creatures in cyber space. In the future, we will meet new creatures in our cell phone network.

pg / May 27, 2008

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